Friday, June 5, 2020

Hope Renews My Strength - Chapter Twenty-nine

Hope Renews My Strength

But those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength. They will soar
on wings like eagles; they will run and
not grow weary, they will walk and not
be faint.

Isaiah 40:31

Hope encompasses most areas of life. Some days we simply hope the car will start, the check will come, or no one will buy the empty lot next door. On other days, we come across situations which cause us to urgently hope. A friend and I once came across a man clinging to life in our church parking lot. While she rushed inside to call 911, I stayed with him, my hand on his sweat-drenched back, praying and hoping the EMT’s would come quickly.

The EMT’s arrived, but only after Art’s heart stopped twice were they able to stabilize him and get him to the hospital. Over the years, that incident has reminded me of how important it is to allow my human weakness to be exchanged for God’s strength by placing my hope in Him.

Trusting in God and looking expectantly to Him “gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” (Isaiah 40:29) On that day, and in that circumstance, my hope in Him exchanged my weakness for His strength, His power, His might, His ability to accomplish the task before me; saving Art Weir.

Isaiah 40:31 states that hope in the LORD not only renews your strength, but allows you to “soar on wings like eagles.” Science tells us that Eagles have the ability to use the winds, even strong winds, and updrafts from the hills and mountains to help them gain altitude—allowing them to fly long distances while saving valuable energy. Hope in God acts in the same way for you and me. By waiting for, looking for, or expecting God to accomplish what is best for you, you can rise above the fray knowing He is your strength.

So the next time you are weary from running the race of life, or you have grown tired, exhausted, fainthearted from walking through the storms of life, remember the words of Hebrews 4:16, “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Hope in the LORD. Allow Him to renew your strength. Walk, run, and soar through the storms of life as He exchanges your weakness for His strength.

Hope for Daily Living

Do you believe God loves you? Do you believe God wants the best for you? Are you willing to allow Him to exchange your weakness for His strength? Write Isaiah 40:31.

The King James Bible translates this verse, “But they that wait upon the LORD…” What does it mean to you to “wait upon the LORD?”

Read Psalm 103. Write verse five.

Are you struggling with waiting on the LORD or hoping in the LORD in some area of your life? If so, write it here. Then, make two lists: the pros of hoping in the LORD on one list, and the cons of hoping in the LORD on the second list.

Now decide. To wait or not to wait. To hope or not to hope. That is the question.

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for reminding me— my hope is in You. As I approach Your throne of grace with confidence, thank you for reminding me that You are my strength for the journey, my hope in the storm, my focus during trials and my assurance of renewal as I grow weary from the pilgrimage. LORD, give me the strength, Your strength, which will cause me to soar today. In Jesus Precious Name, Amen and Amen.

© Joyce Powell

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