My salvation and my honor depend on God;
he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge.
Psalm 62:7-8 NIV
Life oozes craziness. What should be called evil is applauded by society as good. People who speak God’s truth are labeled bigots and haters. Those who falsely believe God does not exist try to wipe out any public reminder of our Risen Lord. Some days we desire to hide from the outside world; to take refuge from evil.
Often our efforts for God appear thwarted by those working to discredit Christians. Once you make a public profession of faith in Christ, many expect you to be perfect. When you are not, others label you hypocrite, and you might feel the word flashing across your forehead like the scarlet letter around the neck of Hester Prynne in Nathaniel Hawthorn’s classic tale of sin, repentance and a struggle for dignity.
Fortunately, we have a refuge. His name is Jehovah. He is I AM—a shelter we can run to, a rock we can stand on and a refuge in the time of small irritations and great difficulty.
So the next time the nightly news makes you want to duck and run or your act of godliness is proclaimed bigoted and hateful and you need a shelter from life’s storm, REMEMBER our God, Creator of heaven and earth, our Salvation, our Mighty Rock, and run to Him.
Surely our God, who cares for the wild animals roaming free on our mountain tops and the microscopic plants dotting the hillsides, cares for His children. God is our refuge. Trust Him. Run to Him.
© Joyce Powell
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