Monday, March 18, 2013

Little Did They Know He Was the King

“And she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.
 She wrapped him in cloths and placed
 him in a manger, because there was no
 room for them in the inn.”
                                       Luke 2:7 NIV     
     My husband and I have three children who now have children of their own. I cannot imagine any of them being born in a barn, laid in a manger, and surrounded by clucking chickens, mooing cows and braying donkeys. Yet God chose that scenario through which to deliver the King of all Creation.
     Upon their arrival in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph found no room in the inn. Offered the stable instead, they settled in for the night. Lest we forget, God already knew that.
     I can imagine the celebration going on inside the inn as the innkeeper hung the no vacancy sign over the door. A full house provided a good night’s income and he must have jumped for joy at the sound of the coins dancing together as he dropped them in his coin box. I can picture a room filled with men laughing, drinking, and telling the tales of their journeys from afar. Yet no tale that they were telling would ever match the one unfolding right under their noses.
     Soon the cries of a newborn baby boy would fill the air. Perhaps they heard something as He announced His arrival to the world while Mary swaddled Him tightly. Perhaps they even raised their goblets of wine in jest to toast this child born in the stable. Perhaps they heard nothing, saw nothing, and knew nothing. 
     I wonder how many times you and I, like those in the inn that night in Bethlehem, miss Him. How often does Jesus whisper I’m here or follow me but we hear nothing, see nothing and know nothing.
     Today we have history to remind us, the Bible to instruct us, and the Holy Spirit to indwell us. We know Jesus is Lord of all and King of all Creation. He calls us to live so that others may also know as we share the good news of this baby born in Bethlehem. Remember, we are without excuse, we are unlike those in the inn, for little did they know He was the King.

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