Monday, June 12, 2023

Dare to Hope

 Even if I thought there was still

hope for me…..

                      Ruth 1:12  NIV


Love hopes all things (1 Cor. 13:7)

Christ in you, the hope of glory (Col. 1:27);

Be joyful in hope (Romans. 12:12);

Hope is an anchor of the soul (Heb. 6:19);

Character produces hope (Rom. 5:4).

Yes, hope is an anchor for your soul. But what happens when you lose hope? Have you been there? Have the circumstances of life dealt you such a blow that you perceived no way out of the confusion, loss, or hopelessness? Has satan ensnared you? Have friends deserted you? Have you been hanging onto hope for so long that you have finally decided there is no longer any reason to hope? Are you like Naomi in the biblical account of Ruth and Naomi when she said, “Even if I thought there was still hope for me…?”

Be encouraged! God sees you in your circumstances. You can neither flee from God nor find a place to hide where He is not with you. Psalm 139 reveals that God knows when you come and go, when you sit and rise, and what you will say before words exit your mouth. You are not alone.

There is always a reason to hope. If you do not believe that, flip the pages of your Bible to John 3:16 and remember God loves you so much He sent His One and Only Son to give His life in exchange for your sin that you might have eternal life. You are loved!

Refuse to let circumstances or satan keep you bound by hopelessness. Believe God. Dare to hope!


© Joyce Powell

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