Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Seven Day Wait

And after seven days the waters of the flood
came upon the earth.

Genesis 7:10 ESV

Imagine for a moment that you are in Noah’s position. God told him to build a boat because God was going to flood the earth. Noah obeyed, becoming the only man in his subdivision with a boat in his driveway. Neighbors began complaining about the eyesore distracting from the beautiful landscape of their peaceful community. They began to plead with Noah to tear that thing down or at least move it to some remote piece of land out of their sight. Then, after talking to him, they believed him to be crazy—build a boat—rain—God said? They decided to form a committee to pursue having him institutionalized.

His wife nagged him, his boys were embarrassed by his behavior—even the family dog seemed confused. But Noah kept building. Upon completion of the monstrosity, animals began showing up in the neighborhood—two by two they came. Giraffes! Elephants! Zebras! Sheep! They came, and they came and they came. Finally, amidst all the police cars, fire engines and ambulances, Noah escorted Mrs. Noah, his three boys and their wives into the ark. Then they waited!

Day one the crowds grew larger, day two they began taunting Noah, “Where is this rain you were talking about?” Noah believed God! Day three and four the crowds increased. Day five the crowds began to dwindle, walking away and shaking their heads in pity. Day six Mrs. Noah and the children are getting worried. Noah believed God! Day seven—a week of waiting!

Finally, after seven days, the rains came. Then the neighbors came—knocking on the ark begging Noah to open the door. The flood waters rose and the ark began to float. And life as Noah knew it would never be the same.

Have you been through a life-changing circumstance? Have you found yourself in a situation where you feel everything is out of control and you are getting direction for your life from friends and family, but the problem seems to grow as each of them offers a different solution for your situation? Have you finally heard from God about the direction you should take, but continue to get push back from those around you who believe you are making a mistake? Are you, like Noah, in that seven-day wait—believing God and hoping to be rescued?

Do not despair! Believe God! Obey God! Trust God! Like Noah, you too can find grace in the eyes of the LORD. Today a fresh beginning will provide opportunity to walk with God in new and exciting adventures. Do not be discouraged, and do not give up hope. Like Noah, you may have a seven-day wait but when God says, “Let’s Go” I guarantee it will be the ride of your life.

© Joyce Powell

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