Sunday, March 29, 2020

Hope for Such A Time As This - Chapter Six

Chapter Six

Hope For Such A Time as This

And who knows
but that You
have come to royal
position for such a time as this?

Esther 4:14b

The closest I have ever come to royalty was during a trip to London where my husband and I walked the one-half mile red-surfaced road called The Mall. British flags, St. James Park, and the Queen’s Guard stationed along the route leaves no doubt that Buckingham Palace lies ahead; standing in royal prominence. When the Queen is in residence, the Union Jack waves above the palace to announce Her Majesty’s presence.
In front of the palace and just outside the gates, the Queen Victoria Memorial, standing eighty-two feet high and made of gleaming white marble, radiates as the sun smiles on its surface, and standing beneath her memorial while watching the Changing of the Guard drew me into a world that I could never have imagined.

The opulence of the gilded gates and proud stallions accompanied by the red and black clad soldiers and shining brass instruments of the marching band displayed a world I could only watch from the outside—never hoping to be invited in and certainly never thinking that I could be of any benefit to the people of the country of my ancestors. I am only a “commoner.”
But God has a way of taking a common and ordinary person and turning her into an uncommon and extraordinary person.

Such is the story of Esther. A beautiful, young, Jewish virgin, orphaned and being raised by an uncle, snatched from her common life and thrust into the king’s harem. Placed under the care of the king’s eunuch, she was soaked in oils and spices, fed a special diet, and prepared for her night with the king. When it came, she won his favor and found herself positioned as Queen Esther.

Eventually, her uncle Mordecai made her aware of a plot to wipe out the Jews. He asked her to go before the King to save her people. Esther feared for her life for to go before the king without an invitation could mean immediate death. But Mordecai sent her a message, “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:13-14)

Esther responded to her uncle with a request for the Jewish people to fast and pray for three days. Then she would go before the king. On the third day, she dressed herself in royal garments and stood in the king’s hall; waiting to be accepted or put to death. The king extended to her his gold scepter, and she entered his presence. By the end of the book of Esther, we find that her request was granted, and the perpetrator of the annihilation plot along with his entire family were put to death; saving the Jews.

You may think this Biblical account of the life of a young Jewish orphan is not relevant to you. I would challenge that assumption. Today, just as in Esther’s day, we fight similar battles. The circumstances may be different, but the battle remains the same; for it is “not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms? (Ephesians 6:12)

Often the battle appears overwhelming as more and more we see the cross of Christ and the Word of God trampled beneath the feet of our nation’s legal system. It is possible family members may turn their backs as you answer the call of God on your life. Friends may drop like flies sprayed with bug killer as you find God walking through the pages of His Word.

But do not be deceived by the enemy. When you surrender your life to God through His Son Jesus Christ, you are royalty. You have access to the throne room and the power of the King of Kings. And King David reminded you and me in Psalm 139 that God has a plan for each life when he wrote, “My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.”

So never forget that although you may feel like a commoner; ordinary, average, typical—God can use you to do the uncommon; rare, unique, exceptional, extraordinary—when you surrender your life to be used for His glory. There is hope—“And, who knows but that you have come to royal position (in Christ-mine) for such a time as this?”

Hope for Daily Living

Have you ever been snatched out of familiar surroundings and thrust into uncertain circumstances? How did you respond?

Do you ever feel common, ordinary, average, or typical—believing God could never use you to impact someone’s life? Read Ephesians 1:15-24. Write verses 19-21.

Do you desire to be uncommon—exceptional, extraordinary—for Christ? Read Ephesians 3:14-20. Write verse 20 here. Whose power will enable you to be uncommon and extraordinary for Christ

Read 2 Corinthians 2:14-15. Write what you read about the adequacy of God’s grace for every situation.

Heavenly Father,

Today, help me to remember that you are able—in every situation—to accomplish the task you have set before me. I can do everything you ask through Christ who gives me strength. When I feel common, remind me that I am Your child; royalty. My earthly heritage neither exempts me from nor elevates me to extraordinary living. It is my spiritual inheritance through Christ that enables me to say yes to a life of rare, unique, exceptional, extraordinary adventures with You. When I doubt, please remind me that You placed me in this time in history, and You are calling me to obedience for “such a time as this.” Amen and Amen in the most precious Name of Jesus.

© Joyce Powell

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