Monday, March 23, 2020

Hang Onto Hope - chapter 3

Chapter three

Hang Onto Hope

But the needy
will not
always be forgotten,
nor the hope
of the
ever perish.

Psalm 9:18

Fierce thunderstorms, floods, and tornadoes have recently ravaged portions of our nation. Uprooted trees and air-born roofs appear as minor inconveniences when compared to those whose lives have been snuffed out by the power of the unrelenting wind and rain. In the aftermath, a deluge of news reports described the helplessness and hopelessness felt by the loved ones of those sacrificed to the tempest.

Locally our spiritual, emotional, and physical resources were tested as a forty foot wall of water raced down the Blanco River under cover of night and washed away homes as families slept; helpless against the powerful assault of the raging water.

How do we reconcile the hope promised in God’s Word with the cruelty of life’s circumstances? How does a father who loses the struggle to save his wife and two children from the raging floodwaters wait patiently or have an expectation for his future? How does a young couple beginning their family look forward in hope-filled anticipation after all their belongings are washed away? When we face the reality of life’s worst, how do we believe for God’s best?

When we feel we are going to perish, when our heart has been destroyed, or when we have lost courage, how do we hang onto hope?

Seek God. Trust God. Believe God.

Psalm 9:9-10 reminds us that the LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, the hurting, crushed, dejected, humbled, contrite, broken; a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know His Name will trust Him, and He will never forsake those who seek Him. He is our hope. We are also reminded that God does not ignore the cries of the afflicted—the helpless.

In verse 18 David reminds us “the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish.” Therefore, our hope is not found in our world system, our government, or other people. Although they may come to our aide in times of distress, our ultimate hope is found in God alone.

God’s resources are never depleted. His patience never runs out. He never grows tired of your trial. He will not forsake you when the journey to recovery is long. He will neither forget you nor desert you. He is the reason for hope. He is hope. Trust God. Seek God. Believe God. Hang onto hope.
Hope for Daily Living

Have you ever lost enough in this life that you seemed to be able to do nothing except hang on? Losing possessions, friendships, family or health can cause you to lose the ability to function normally and often leave you emotionally paralyzed. When facing difficult situations, what will you do to hang onto hope?

Read Psalm 20:6-7. In times of crisis, have you trusted in anything other than God to meet your needs? In these verses, what does David say about trusting God?

Heavenly Father,

You know there have been times in my life when circumstances could have destroyed me either emotionally or spiritually. But here I am, thanking you because of your mighty right hand that carried me through those difficult situations. LORD, help me remember that my security is not in houses and land, jobs or people, money or possessions. My security is in You alone. Grant me the strength and wisdom to seek You and trust You. And, Father, if a time comes when it seems my world is falling apart, infuse me with the courage to believe You and hang onto hope. I pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

©Joyce Powell

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