Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Rescued by Grace

"Because he loves me," says the LORD
“I will rescue him…”
                       Psalm 91:14 NIV

“Because he holds fast to me in love,
I will deliver him; I will protect him,
because he knows my name.”
                       Psalm 91:14  ESV 

Throughout the Old and New Testaments, God displays His grace—His unmerited favor and undeserved mercy. We see it in Daniel, Jonah, Esther, Ruth… Over and over those who love Him—who know His Name—are rescued by God’s grace.

In Job 19:25-26 we read Job’s affirmation of his confidence in God’s grace. “I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God.” (NIV)

In the midst of life’s complete devastation Job knows that he knows that he knows that there is a Redeemer whose grace will rescue him. I love that! God has all authority. He is all powerful. He is the keeper of all knowledge, and yet he continues to extend His grace to fallen man; to me!

As a child living on the shores of Lake Erie, it was not unusual to find my mother, brother and me playing in the water along the lake’s edge. One day I caught my leg in an inner tube and found myself bobbing up and down in the water—head first. Each time my face reappeared from under the sea of green I would yell “Help!” After the third scream, my mother and brother turned to find me hopelessly stuck, and they came to my rescue. I belonged to them; they recognized my voice and the sound of trouble.

Just like Daniel and Jonah and Job and many others throughout the Word of God, our Heavenly Father continues to rescue His children. He brings us into security and safety. Once we belong to Him, He will never fail to recognize our voice.

There is no way to repay the Lord. I cannot give enough, do enough or be enough. I did not earn His grace. I do not merit His favor. I do not deserve His care. But one day, God reached down His Holy Hand and through His Son Jesus Christ the Anointed One, Messiah—He rescued me!

You may have experienced God’s rescue. If you have not, He is waiting—arms outstretched—calling your name. All you have to do is run into His arms and accept the free gift of salvation offered through His Son Jesus and you too can be rescued by grace. A great songwriter, Kyla Rowland, put it well when she wrote:

He rescues me when my ship is tossed at sea
He rescues me when my mountain’s too high to see
And when my valley is hot and dry, and I can’t find a place to hide
Jesus comes and He rescues me
© Joyce Powell

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