mount before the LORD. And, behold, the
LORD passed by, and a great and strong
wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces
the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was
not in the wind: and after the wind an
earthquake; but the LORD was not in the
earthquake: and after the earthquake a fire;
but the LORD was not in the fire: and after
the fire a still small voice.
1 Kings 19:11-12 KJV
Barraged daily by television images of hate, evil, and death, our enemy, satan, would like to discourage and intimidate God's Children. But do not be deceived. God is alive and well and in control of this world.
Elijah saw the mountains shake from a mighty wind, the earth quake at the bidding of God, and a fire burn. But God did not speak to Elijah through the mighty, the loud, or the ferocious. Instead, He spoke in a still small voice.
Today, in our world of constant noise, God continues to speak to His Children in a still small voice. He whispers peace in the midst of chaos. He whispers courage in the face of fear. He whispers joy in the face of sorrow and strength in the face of weakness.
On this Sunday before Easter, may we remember that it is God's One and Only Son Jesus who became a bridge stretching from heaven to earth. It is there, in Christ, we find refuge and peace as we hear His voice speaking peace to our souls. Take refuge in Christ today. Do not fear. Do not be troubled. And, do not forget that Jesus sits on the right hand of His Father in heaven interceding for God's children. He is the Only Way to heaven where our God sits enthroned above the circle of the earth in eternal control.
Look to the Cross of Christ and remember the bridge.
Look to the Cross of Christ and remember the bridge.
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