Saturday, April 15, 2017

He Is Risen

He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace
was upon him, and by his wounds we
are healed.
                             Isaiah 53:5 NIV 

…Why do you look for the living among the
dead? He is not here; He has risen!...
                             Luke 24:5-6 NIV

Jesus Christ humbled himself as a man and became obedient to death on a cross! (Philippians 2:8) He was betrayed by a friend, arrested by armed soldiers, denied by his disciples, and condemned by the religious leaders. He stood trial before the government, was beaten, spat upon, led away to be crucified and hung between two thieves.  

His forehead was pressed by a crown of thorns, His side was pierced with a sword while His Name hung above Him for all who would recognize the truth; King of the Jews.  
He was buried in a tomb hewn out of a rock, locked in by a stone which, by most historical accounts, weighed at least a ton, and guarded by Roman soldiers whose failure to achieve their mission could have cost them their lives. Yet Jesus could not be contained in His man-made grave. Matthew 28:1-4 explains the tomb’s opening.
“There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it.”

 Lest we forget, Jesus did not need the angel to open the grave so He could get out but so others could look in and see the empty tomb; a reminder of the awesome power of our God.    

He came from heaven to fulfill God's plan for the redemption of mankind. He returned to heaven where he sits at the right hand of His Father interceding for those who have put their faith and trust in Him. 
So today, I am encouraged! You see, I know the man who has the power to work all these things together for good. He walks on water! He raises the dead! He makes blind eyes see! He gives hearing to deaf ears! He gives a voice to those who cannot speak! He lights the sky with His glory, and the earth shakes at His command.

He cares for me. He cares for you. I trust Him. I know that whatever I am going through at this moment, it could not happen without His knowledge or approval. Often I do not understand. Still, I trust Him. Often I plead with Him for change. Still, I trust Him. Often I am tempted to give up, but still, I trust Him.

Be encouraged! He cares for you. He understands your sorrow and your pain. He suffered. He died. Trust Him, for He is risen!

© Joyce Powell

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