For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my
mother’s womb.
Psalm 139:13 ESV
In years past a woman might have to make a trip to her doctor to confirm her pregnancy. Today she can go to the store, buy a test kit and know in a few minutes—pregnant or not pregnant. Suppositions begin about whether the child growing inside her womb is a boy or girl and name choosing becomes the activity of choice.
But thousands of years before the invention of the pregnancy test, King David knew the secret of life. He got it! David knew that just as God had scooped the dust of the earth and formed Adam, as he had shaped and molded him and then breathed the breath of life into his body and soul, God had also formed David in his mother’s womb.
Psalm 139:16 confirms David’s assurance of God’s power to create and to know one’s life when he writes, “Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them.” (ESV)
Although scientific understanding has exploded over past decades, scientists still cannot predict our future. A scientist cannot say with certainty what you or I will do to make a living, whom or if we will marry or when our last breath will leave this body of clay. But God knows!
Therefore I must ask, why do you and I work so hard at fitting in—doing what other’s expect of us, trying to make the people in our lives happy while we remain miserable because we are not being the person that God has created us to be? Even in the responsibilities of belonging to a family, a church family and a community and society at large, you and I can remain faithful to God’s plan for our lives.
Do not think that God does not have a plan for your life. He does! Do not think that you are of little worth to God. God values you! Do not think that you can accomplish nothing for God. You have the ability to accomplish everything He calls you to do. He designed and created you for a purpose and gives you the ability to fulfill the purpose for which you are created. You are unlike any other human being. You are special! God loves you! I am so grateful that God gives the grace to be me!
©Joyce Powell
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