Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart, andyou will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:29 NIV
Life is filled with burdens. Crisis seems to lurk around every corner. Stress is killing people. People are killing people. Some, unable to deal with life, are taking their own lives. Soldiers are being killed in battle. Financial crisis is destroying families. Disease is rampant. Bad things happen to good people.
I have good news. Christ came! His world was also filled with hatred, cruelty, poverty and disease. Yet throughout His life on earth, His message was clear. Come unto me, I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Drink of me, the well of living water. Rise and be healed. He spread hope, hope, and more hope as he traversed the countryside.
How does that help me today? The answer is simple. Christ came. His words to us today are the same as when spoken two thousand years ago. He still gives rest to the weary, hope to the hopeless, shares our burdens, gives living water, and brings healing. Although we cannot see him walking the earth, we can certainly sense His presence. If you do not believe me, whisper His Name; Jesus.
Whether you are walking in the springtime season of your life or the winter winds are howling about you, speak His Name; Jesus. He still comes. His presence is real. His help is real. His hope is real. In Him you can find strength for every need. Rest for your soul is found at the foot of the cross.
©Joyce Powell
I thought this was beautiful, Joyce. I often will be drawn to the foot of the cross. And never once did I not find Him there. And I love that all we have to do is mention that name above all names.
ReplyDeleteThe temptations to look away at all the lights and distractions, the registers, the sales. But I find solace in the stable as I wait for the coming King.
Thank you, Anne. This is definitely the time of year to remind ourselves that it is all about HIM and the gift He gave.
DeleteThanks, Joyce. I highlighted this on the Christian Poets & Writers blog - http://christianpoetsandwriters.blogspot.com. God bless.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Mary. I hope others find encouragement in the words God placed on my heart.