Monday, January 27, 2014

Burning Bones

But if I say, “I will not mention Him
or speak any more in His name,”
His word is in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I am weary of holding it in;
indeed, I cannot.  
               Jeremiah 20:9 NIV 

      Is there something you know our Heavenly Father placed within your heart and mind to accomplish for Him? Is it outside your comfort zone? Do discouragers continue to remind you that you cannot do it? Do you think it is too lofty for you to attain or out of your area of knowledge?

     Often we lay aside our hopes and dreams because we believe that we are not good enough, smart enough or knowledgeable enough to bring them to fruition. But God can and will overcome all obstacles when He places a dream in your heart. Listen to the quote from Jacob Behman, a German cobbler who lived over 350 years ago.

     “There are those who will mock me, and tell me to stick to my trade as a
     cobbler, and not trouble my mind with philosophy and theology. But
     the truth of God did so burn in my bones, that I took my pen in hand
     and began to set down what I had seen.”    

     The truth of God burned in his bones. Wow! I want that. I want to study the Word of God and allow His Truth to burn in my bones. I have hopes and dreams beyond anything I can accomplish. I know that in myself I am not good enough, smart enough or knowledgeable enough to bring them to fruition. BUT GOD placed them in my heart, and no dream, when inspired by God, is too high, too hard or too big for Him to accomplish.   

     Come with me on this journey. Let’s allow the truth of God to burn in our bones until it accomplishes the goals that He planned for your life and mine. I cannot wait to hear from you as we walk this path together—hand in hand with our LORD. 

© Joyce Powell

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