Tuesday, April 16, 2013

When I Am Afraid

When I am afraid, I will trust in you.
                           Psalm 56:3 NIV
      In the aftermath of yesterday’s bombings near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, the presence of fear seems a natural emotion. At this point there are three dead, including an eight-year-old boy, and many maimed for life both physically and emotionally. Others may die.
     As a child of the Living God, what do we do with that? Oh that I had all the answers. I do not. I have only one—trust God. He is our hope, our strength and our reason for living. It is now that our faith can shine through the darkness. It is now that we can be a light to a dark world—not by appropriate words of condemnation for such a horrid act, but by our love, our help, our compassion for the lost and hurting.
     Today, like you, my heart is breaking for those families and for our country. But never forget, God is alive and well and in control of what appears to be an out of control world. He loves us. Today is the day to show His love by loving others. Remember, when David was seized by the Philistines, he sang a song of praise to God.
     “When I am afraid,
          I will trust in you.
     In God, whose word I praise,
          In God I trust; I will not be afraid
     What can mortal man do to me?”
                               Psalm 56:3-4

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