Monday, April 10, 2017


Satisfy us in the morning with your
unfailing love, that we may sing for
joy and be glad all our days.
Psalm 90:14 NIV

Satisfaction. Is it real or just an illusion that the mortals of this world seek like the fountain of youth; a mirage that looks lush and green but quickly fades when one arrives at the edge of its shore?

Satisfaction. Is it something that can ever be attained in this life? I know money can’t buy it, for I have traveled the halls of the malls across this land and watched as unhappy faces rush to and fro from store to store with arms full of packages as shoppers seek fulfillment…. but fulfillment does not come. I realize that as I hear mothers screaming at their children and husbands yelling at their wives, and all of them wanting to buy just one more thing because they have found no satisfaction in what they have.

Satisfaction. I know friends can’t provide it for I have watched as friends who have walked hand in hand for twenty years break the bond of that friendship over a meaningless argument—neither willing to surrender their will or their pride.

Satisfaction. I know beauty can’t deliver it. For I have seen the most beautiful of women checking their appearance as they walk by a mirror or a window and watched as their smile turned to a frown as they appeared to recognize some imperfection.

I do remember seeing true satisfaction once. I recognized it in a little granny who walked with a cane. She had nothing of material value. She did not own an automobile. Therefore, unless someone picked her up, she walked to church every Sunday. She was always there, always smiling and always happy. Her old Bible was falling apart. I used to think, “Poor granny, she needs a new Bible.” I now understand that ragged old Bible was the source of her strength, her life, her satisfaction.

Is satisfaction attainable in this life? I believe it is. Absolutely! You can’t buy it, which is wonderful news for those of us who are not wealthy. No person can give it to you, which is wonderful news because it means no person can take it away. Beauty doesn’t matter, which is wonderful news because most of us are just average looking people.

Satisfaction only comes from allowing Jesus Christ to live in and through us, totally, completely…in control of our lives. The price of this satisfaction….well that’s the best part; it is free because our Father gave it…a gift. But, it cost Him the greatest price anyone could pay; His only child.

So, I suppose the next time I begin to grumble, complain, or become dissatisfied, I’ll stop and look up. I’ll “Be still and Know that I Am God” is speaking. I’ll listen and hopefully, obey and be satisfied to know that the God of the Universe has my life in the palm of His hand. He cares for me. Nothing can touch me without His permission. And, when adversity comes, and it will, I’ll be satisfied to know that the God who holds me, leads me, and teaches me through His Word, will keep me.

When I think about it like that, I am… well, I am… satisfied!


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