Monday, March 31, 2014

Trust in the Name of the LORD Our God

Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed; he will
answer him from his holy heaven with the saving might
of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in
horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
                                            Psalm 20:6-7  ESV 

     For decades I have understood that the LORD saves. I have watched Him work in my life as well as the lives of others as we have marched through triumph and walked through tragedy. I have rejoiced through times of salvation as family, friends and strangers have accepted Christ as Savior and wept as I witnessed His healing power extend life to loved ones not expected to survive. Yet I have never trusted in the Name of the LORD my God more than over this past week.

     The death of my baby sister shattered my heart. It was not a surprise but came more quickly than expected. For weeks a cloud of urgency pressed my shoulders and my heart as my husband and I made preparations to travel fourteen hundred miles to spend time talking and laughing with her as her body grew weaker. In the midst of those preparations, we received the dreaded phone call—hurry!

     I was able to spend the last twenty-four hours of her earth-bound life whispering I love you and kissing her sweet face; she knew I was there. But I will never again know the sound of her voice or feel the touch of her hand—at least not in this lifetime. Now, as she rejoices in the presence of our LORD, I am left behind to grieve and mourn and ache for my loss.

     I believe there is only one reason I have survived these past few days. I have trusted in the Name of the LORD my God. I whisper “Jesus” and He brings peace, I sob “God” and He gives strength, I mouth “Oh LORD,” and He forces me to exhale and breathe.

     While I am sure that satan would like nothing more than to see me incapacitated by my grief, he will be disappointed. Yes, I will grieve and cry and hurt, but the Name of the LORD is a strong tower. His Name lifts me from the pit of despair. His Name calms the raging storm in my heart. His Name ministers healing to my brokenness. His Name reminds me that I am not alone.    

     This morning I am reminded that others also grieve as this week death has carried their loved ones away. I am reminded that my grief is not like one who has no hope for my sister awaits my arrival in heaven. I am reminded that only those who trust in the Name of the LORD have hope of reuniting with loved ones now freed from the bondage of this world. I am reminded that God has commissioned His people to “Go and Tell” the world that our Savior has come!

     I am reminded that the LORD saves his anointed, He answers from heaven and that I can safely trust in the name of the LORD our God.

© Joyce Powell

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