Wednesday, March 5, 2014

True Wisdom

But the wisdom that comes from heaven
is first of all pure; then peace-loving,
considerate, submissive, full of mercy
and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Peacemakers who sow in peace raise
a harvest of righteousness.
                 James 3:17-18 NIV 

     Recent decades in world history have raised the competitive nature of mankind to new heights. People compete against people for prestige, power and wealth. States compete against other states for more jobs, bringing more people and more political clout. Nations compete against nations to see who will be the ultimate world leader as global crisis’ rise and fall and new alliances form as old ones are tossed aside.

     Whether personally, corporately, nationally or globally, it seems we are always looking for the wisest of the wise to fix the next problem looming over us like Edgar Allan Poe’s Pit and the Pendulum.

     Unfortunately, as the world seeks to gain wisdom and continues to follow those considered wise in the ways of the world, few appear to understand the true source and meaning of wisdom. The one source of true wisdom is ridiculed, berated and cast aside as an outdated fictional account contrived in the minds of men. While the world searches, those who know the One True God—the source of all wisdom—are told to keep it to ourselves.

     “The LORD gives wisdom and from his mouth come knowledge  and understanding.” (Proverbs 2:6 NIV) The list of benefits from applying God’s wisdom is partially enumerated in Proverbs 2-3.

He holds victory for the upright
He is a shield for those who walk in integrity
He guards the course of the just
He protects the way of His faithful
His discretion will protect you
His understanding will guard you
His wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men
His wisdom will save you from sexual sin
His wisdom will win you favor and a good name in the sight of God and man
His wisdom helps you shun evil and gives nourishment to your bones
His wisdom brings peace and blessing into your life

     So as the world continues to follow the day’s wisdom trends, let me encourage you to follow the One and Only source of true wisdom. He has a great track record. He created the world, and at the sound of His voice light appeared, the darkness separated from the light and the seas restrained themselves to the borders directed by their Creator.

     At the sound of His voice the sun lit the day and the moon pulled the night canopy as the stars twinkled in praise. At the sound of His voice fish filled the oceans and birds filled the heavens as living creatures were birthed upon the earth. Then, by the touch of His hand and the breath of His Holy Spirit, this owner of all wisdom, God, formed man and breathed life into his body and man became a living soul.

     As our world continues to seek wisdom for the growing turmoil and strife, those of us who know the source of all wisdom must walk in integrity, sow in peace and pray for a harvest of righteousness. That is true wisdom.

© Joyce Powell

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