Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Nation in Need of Prayer

If my people who are called by my name,
will humble themselves and pray and seek
my face and turn from their wicked ways,
then will I hear from heaven will forgive
their sin and will heal their land.
                        2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV 

     When my husband and I were in the Greek Isles, we were blessed to be able to visit the excavated city of Corinth. There we saw the uncovered civilization of a pagan city. The remaining columns to the temple of Apollo sat on the highest hill in the city. I could only imagine how beautiful it must have been when in its full glory.

     But the thing that haunted my heart still lingers in my memory. Outside the city was a beautiful mountain—so high the naked eye could not see the buildings described by our tour guide. But the Corinthians had made their way time and again to the top to build places of worship to their pagan gods. Yet, all their efforts and worship and work brought nothing of value into their lives or their civilization.

     Eventually, Christianity made its way to Corinth. I can only imagine the heartache of those who learned the truth of Christ as they prayed for their families and fellow citizens to also know the truth. But paganism was entrenched in their city and bringing lost souls into the family of God must have been a daunting task keeping them on their knees before Jehovah, the One and Only True God.

    Standing in the remains of the marketplace looking at Apollo’s Temple and the mountain where they went to worship their gods, I was gripped by the truth of my own country’s pagan idol worship. My heart broke as I thought about the God involved building of this land we call The United States of America and how quickly our prosperity, which came as a blessing from God, has knocked us off our knees and into the pit of depravity and idol worship.

     I have to believe that if God would allow adversity to come to the nation of Israel, the people He chose and loves, there is no reason He would spare America. As we sink deeper and deeper into our personal and national sin, it can only be a matter of time before God says, “enough!”

     But the good news is that God has given us a redemption plan, a way out of the adversity, a safety net—a step by step plan. It begins with the house of God.   

1.   If my people who are called by my name,
2.    will humble themselves and pray
3.   and seek my face
4.   and turn from their wicked ways,
5.   then will I hear from heaven
6.   will forgive their sin
7.   and will heal their land.

     As Christians we can blame all the ills of our nation on those who neither call on nor believe in the Name of the One True God. We can continue to blame Hollywood, politicians and the infiltration of false religions into our society. We can continue to blame, blame, blame. But what good will that do?

     What we really need to do is take a hard look in the mirror, both individually and corporately as the Body of Christ—the Church—and follow God’s plan for the redemption of our nation. Call on His Name, humble ourselves, PRAY, seek His face, turn from OUR wicked ways. Only then will we hear from heaven as the LORD forgives our sin and heals our land.

     There is no doubt that America is a nation in need of prayer. The responsibility is on the shoulders of those of us who call Jesus Christ Lord and Savior, who call God our Father and who believe that His Holy Spirit dwells inside of us enabling us to do all that God has commanded.

     America is a nation in need of prayer. You and I must be willing to follow God’s plan for the redemption of America. It is our only hope!

©Joyce Powell

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