Sunday, March 24, 2013

Easter is Coming!

On the first day of the week, very early in
the morning, the women took the spices
they had prepared and went to the tomb.
They found the stone rolled away from
the tomb, but when they entered, they
did not find the body of the Lord Jesus…
but the men said to them, “Why do you
look for the living among the dead? He
is not here; He is risen!”
                              Luke 24:1-3, 5-6 NIV

      I stood peering through the French door watching as the midnight shadows danced beneath the silver moon—the nearly barren live oaks standing in the dry Texas soil. The afternoon wind that had played a dozen tunes on my copper wind chimes now rested in heaven’s secret place—tucked safely away awaiting resurrection on another day.

      Sleep escapes me—my mind, troubled by the death of a child. Tomorrow will be the day to say goodbye—just weeks short of her fourth birthday.  Thoughts roll around in my brain like an out of control hamster in his exercise ball.

      I remember the death of another child many years ago. The anniversary date quickly approaches. The lives of so many changed in an instant. Her parents and siblings lives turned down a path through a dark place they could have never imagined.

     My thoughts also turn to the death of one more child—grown. Our nephew’s heart appeared to have ruptured, and I remember the phone call that drove me to me knees in disbelief and grief and unbearable pain.
     Then, I remembered the season. Today is Palm Sunday, and in a few days on Good Friday Christians of the world will grieve over the torturous death of yet another child—God’s Son. But His death was no accident, no dread disease or physical ailment. His death—the purposeful plan of His loving Father to bring redemption to a lost and dying world.

     While Good Friday is a time for reflection on my sinfulness and the sacrifice of Christ, Easter is coming. Resurrection! Celebration! Joy! And because of the greatest gift ever given, death has no victory over my life. Arise! Shout Hallelujah! Praise His Name! Easter is coming!

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