Friday, February 15, 2013

The LORD Reigns

The LORD reigns, He is robed in majesty;
the LORD is robed in majesty and is armed
with strength. The world is firmly established;
it cannot be moved.           Psalm 93:1 NIV       

      Where was God? Have you heard that question asked from someone during times of great distress or tragedy? Maybe you have asked it yourself. Events of this life can overwhelm us and cause great agony. A sudden illness, loss of a child, or financial ruin can push us to an emotional brink, and we may find ourselves in desperation calling out and asking, “God if you are there, why did you let this happen?”

     Psalm 93 is a powerful reminder that God reigns. He is the King on His throne. He is able to take action with strength, power, and might! His throne is established from all eternity—not just in the future but in the past as well. Never has there been a time when God did not exist. Therefore, never has there been a time when God did not maintain control.

     Sometimes it seems as though the foundation of our world is shaken. But God’s Word says, “the world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.”  Creation understands this. The rivers clap their hands together in His praise. The songbirds lift their voices and praise Him. The morning glory shakes off the dew and lifts her face in adoration of the King.

     We may never understand why horrific things happen. We may think that God is not doing anything about the tragedies of this life. We may sometimes forget that God acts, He does not react.

     In spite of all the bad news, heartache and tragedy we face in our world, we must never forget that God is in control. We can believe Him. We can trust Him. Only He can bring peace in the midst of heartache, joy in the midst of sorrow and a song in the midst of the darkest night.

     Trust Him. He is robed in majesty. He is armed with strength. He loves you. The LORD reigns.

© Joyce Powell


1 comment:

  1. I think what I love most about this scripture is when Jesus turns to His disciples and virtually says, "Hey, when are YOU guys gonna get it?" Here was a Roman officer who knew EXACTLY who Jesus was while His disciples - who were receiving His personal teachings and seeing His miracles firsthand - still hadn't figured it out. The first thing Jesus wants is for us to KNOW He is exactly who He says He is....the second is for us to learn to trust Him completely, just as the Centurion had done. LOVE you and your writings, girlfriend....Onward, Upward!
